


2023年8月1日 — ... best Korean BBQ restaurant in Seoul, look no further than Mongtan which specialises in straw-grilled aged beef....



Mongtan (首爾)

Mongtan(首爾): 讀讀8則則關於Mongtan客觀公正的美食評論,在Tripadvisor的5分滿分評等中得4.5分,在首爾的30535家餐廳中排第997名。

Mongtan In Itaewon

One of these restaurants Mongtan, specializing in udae galbi (large beef ribs), is located in front of Samgakji Station in Itaewon.

Korean Restaurant: Mongtan 몽탄

2024年3月6日 — Mongtan, a revered Korean restaurant, is renowned for its innovative approach to traditional Korean BBQ, making it a standout destination for ...

Mongtan Review - Seoul South Korea

A popular Korean barbecue restaurant near Samgakji Station, sophisticated Mongtan produces their unique flavor by pre-cooking meat over straw before the ...

몽탄 온라인몰

※ Mongtan reservations or inquiries cannot be processed. 온라인몰 고객센터 상담시간. OPEN : AM 10:00- PM 18:00 (평일) LUNCH : PM 11 ...

Mongtan - Best KBBQ In Seoul With Straw

2023年8月1日 — Located within walking distance from exit 8 of Samgakji Station near Itaewon, Mongtan is one of the most popular Korean BBQ restaurants in Seoul ...